We regret to inform you that the author of this blog has been involved in an elaborate deception. Apparently, this person has led everyone to believe that she can handle WAY more than she is capable of handling. Consequently, everyone has given her far too many responsibilities and she has happily accepted them. This person has now been locked up in an unnamed facility and has been declared certifiably insane.
We apologize for any problem this might create for any of you.
Monday, December 15, 2008
certifiably crazy
Posted by Christy at 6:41 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Birthday Fun
November is a crazy month at the Cook house. Hence the lack of Blog posts etc. In fact, most people I know probably think I have just fallen off of the planet. But, Alas, I have not!! ( :
I am alive and well and still kicking over here. We celebrated Rachel's 12th birthday and Forest's 1st birthday this month and we also celebrated a whopping 16 years of marriage. WOW. Then, right after all of that, we had Thanksgiving. Whew. Lots of fun but lots of work. Here are a few pictures just for fun. Indulge me...
I made these cookies for Rachel's class and their "fall party". It was a potluck thing. Lots of great food! Anyway... I thought the cookies turned out pretty nice. The leaves were way more work than they're worth. So... I took a picture.Rachel eating her "donut cake". This is her request every year. She loves donuts way more than "cake". Jim Gaffigan would never understand.
Here are the 2 birthday buddies. Don't they look cute?
Forest and his first birthday cake. Sadly he didn't eat any of it because that particular day was a HORRIBLE blood sugar day. I mean just AWFUL. I couldn't do that to him or me. It was very sad for me.
He did get to open presents though. Look how much he has changed! He is already growing up. I can't stand it!!
Posted by Christy at 8:58 PM 4 comments
Friday, November 7, 2008
7 random things...
Well, this should be easy. I feel like my middle name is "random". ( : I am supposed to write 7 random things about myself because my friend Laura J. tagged me. Here goes...
1. I hate fish, but I eat it as often as 3 times a week. (for my health AND my husband).
2. Despite what others might think, I tried out for cheerleader (at least 3 times) and DID NOT get picked... EVER.
3. While on a missions trip to Costa Rica, I was in an earthquake. (I just happened to be (ahem) using the restroom and on the 2nd floor of the hotel we were staying at). FUNNY STUFF.
4. While I was in high school, we moved out of our house multiple times due to septic tank flooding. Including graduation week. (sigh)
5. Coke makes me behave uncharacteristically ridiculous.
6. I love brownies. At all times, on all occasions.
7. I am a complete baby about flying. Complete.
So, I tag my SIL Anj. and Rachel White and Dalene...
Posted by Christy at 4:16 PM 6 comments
Thursday, November 6, 2008
I wish I could say that I have never missed a day in my "daily" Bible reading. Oh, how I wish. But, I have been doing well at reading through the Bible in a year in a very "hit and miss" kind of fashion. Better than nothing, right? So, each time I read Job, I think, I really wish I understood the BIG message in this book. I know many people have preached on it etc. But, really, if you have read it all, you know that there are many things that leave you scratching your head. The conversation part loses me sometimes, I sit going..."Now, WHO is talking here?" LOL.
But, recently, when I opened my Bible, desperate for some refreshment. I opened it to Job. I almost started flipping to find another book that I usually enjoy more... but I didn't. I read a chapter that I have many times before and all of a sudden, I felt like some things came into focus. It was the chapter where God is talking to Job, comparing Himself to one of the greatest, most ferocious creatures on earth. How would anyone dare request anything of Him?
Two things struck me... ONE, Job answers to God..."I know that You can do all things, and that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted. ...therefore, I have declared that which I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I did not know. Hear, now, and I will speak; I will ask You , and You instruct me. I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear; But now my eye sees You; Therefore I retract, And I repent in dust and ashes." Funny, that I have read this so many times and never noticed that Job repented of speaking about God in a way that was wrong. The whole book, he spends telling God that he hadn't done anything wrong, so he didn't deserve this treatment... that he was waiting to hear God's indictment of him.
So, Job AND his friends got it wrong. God was saying, it is not about you doing everything right... and as your friends imply, it is not about you having done something wrong... it is simply, that I AM GOD, and YOU are not. But... the important part is next...
Job had repented before God, then his friends ask Job's forgiveness and offer burnt sacrifices...
and then, this... "The Lord restored the fortunes of Job WHEN HE PRAYED FOR HIS FRIENDS, and the Lord increased all that Job had twofold."
So, we have to accept what circumstances we are in AND, what circumstances our friends are in. Then, we have to not judge or tell them what they are doing wrong... OR, NOT doing right, and pray for each other. Because, truly, NONE of us deserve the eternal gift of salvation through Christ, or any other blessing we happen to get here on this earth. AND, none of us deserve the horribly sad, difficult things that happen... they are part of life, and hopefully a part that will send us to the feet of our savior and make us more and more like Him.
Posted by Christy at 8:50 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
"If I Speak"...
My daughter is memorizing this for her Bible class. As she practiced and I read along, the words jumped out at me. Every single line had SOMETHING new to say to me. The word of God is so powerful. I wish I had more minutes to spend devouring it. Read it, maybe it will do something for you too.
1"If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.
2 If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.
3And if I give all my possessions to feed the poor, and if I surrender my body to be burned, but do not have love, it profits me nothing.
4Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant,
5does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered,
6does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth;
7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
8Love never fails; but if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be done away.
9For we know in part and we prophesy in part;
10but when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away.
11When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things.
12For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known.
13But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13
Posted by Christy at 12:56 PM 2 comments
Monday, October 20, 2008
Here's to the Future...
Does this look like a child that can be stopped by any obstacle you put in his path??? No way! He is definitely determined. ( : AND, I have a feeling I will be so glad that he has that quality for many years to come. Thankfully, I don't believe that Diabetes will slow him down one single little bit. Because, apparently, we are going to be dealing with it until there is a cure. No, he does not have MODY. (The monogenetic form of Diabetes that we were all praying and hoping for). I found out a few weeks ago and I haven't had the stomach to blog about it. I also found out on the same day that my sweet little neice was diagnosed with Diabetes, so, I had lots of other things on my mind.
Posted by Christy at 12:40 PM 5 comments
Friday, October 17, 2008
Happy Birthday to Parker
I love Birthday parties. I love the memories. The fun times, the food... all of it. But, WOW... 11 8-10 year old boys in one house. Oh my. ( : Thankfully it was just nice enough to throw on sweatshirts and play outside still. I think they all had a great time. Of course, the Party was all about the "Clone Wars" and daddy put Star Wars music on the IPod. How cool is that? Happy Birthday to my very first son! I am so proud of you. Your sensitivity steals my heart every day. I love you dearly and am so glad you are my boy.
Posted by Christy at 9:38 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
A Cross is Correct!
Yes, everyone who said it was a cross was CORRECT! I thought it was obvious...
( : I will say no more. ( :
Posted by Christy at 9:28 AM 3 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
So much to say, So little time...
Just to let you know, lack of posts does not necessarily mean "nothing to say". Because, boy, do I have A LOT to say. I really have to catch you all up on life. It has been fun, scary, busy, crazy, depressing... you know... LIFE. But, until I actually have 30 minutes or so to actually write that much, I would just like to leave you with a question.
It has been recently brought to my attention that some very close people to me had NO IDEA what the image was on my profile picture. I never thought it would be difficult to figure out...
SO, what do you think it is? If you look closely you can probably figure it out. BUT, are you willing to admit what you THOUGHT it was before you took a closer look???
Let me know. Love to all of ya...
Posted by Christy at 6:39 AM 6 comments
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Carter's Crew and Forest's too...
I'll have more pictures soon....
Posted by Christy at 10:50 PM 2 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
The September Birthday girls...
From Left to Right... Anjanette Marie Shine Spann, Jeanette Marie Riley Spann, Christina Gayle Spann Cook and Reta Marie January Riley. Ladies of substance. Friends and family through very hard, hard things. People that I am forever thankful that I know.
I love you all!
Posted by Christy at 8:36 AM 5 comments
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Les Miserables
Posted by Christy at 10:22 PM 2 comments
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Doctor's appt.
We went to the Dr. today. It is kind of emotional for me. They always seem to act like I check his blood sugar levels too often. I have to ask... if it were your child and you know they have dropped more than 200 points before in an hour... wouldn't you be a little worried??? They agree and are frustrated that he isn't really following the rules yet... but still. Also, our avg. blood sugar was way too high. I could have told them that.
No, they still do NOT have the results from the DNA test yet. Man... patience is hard.
We got diluant for our insulin. Now, I can give him a bigger volume but a very small dose. That should help me with my accuracy. We shall see. I am very tired since he didn't sleep well last night so, good night all.
Posted by Christy at 9:07 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Things I love
A super hot cup of tea in the morning. Time on my laptop to find out how many points McCain and Palin are leading by in the polls. A slow drizzle on the flowers outside of my window. A sweet baby boy babbling in his swing. Time in the morning to discuss global issues, the economy, social philosophy, parenting and personal beliefs with my amazing husband. A clean kitchen. An 11 year old beauty chanting catechisms to herself in preparation for her test. A sweaty, tired, incredibly handsome soccer boy who just scored 7 goals in a row at practice. The glow of his face when he shows us his 100% math test. A husband who surprises me with a "palin chick" sweatshirt. Good blood sugar levels. Warm brownies. Paninis. Sushi.
I could go on and on. What a good life.
Posted by Christy at 9:52 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Oh dear oh me oh my... Who IS this person that has taken over my blog??? I don't know her and I really don't like her. She is far too emotional and negative to be me. I know that for sure. I do apologize. I really have tried to keep her off of the blog. (You might have noticed by the lack of posts.)But, obviously she has been sneaky and crawled over to the keyboard once or twice and let her fly.
Anyway, when the real Christy comes back full time, I'll let you know. In the meantime I seem to be here temporarily. It truly is incredible what a lack of sleep... Well, not really a lack of sleep but COMPLETE AND UTTER SLEEP DEPRIVATION can do to a person. It is VERY VERY UGLY.
I happened to glance back over some of my posts when Forest was a wee baby and oh how I rambled about not getting much sleep. Oh you poor pathetic wimp of a person (I said to myself) you just THOUGHT you weren't getting enough sleep. moo ha ha ha.
Ohhhh, anyway, what am I rambling about? I wanted to just clarify about my last post. It really wouldn't matter at all if I were home schooling, or sending the kids to ACS or sending them to public school right now for that matter... I guarantee you I would be able to rant and rave about any of it. Such is the frame of mind you find yourself in when you get NO rest. Anything and everything can manage to completely irritate you. All the way down to a dripping faucet or a song on the radio. So, pardon my complaining about school. It really has nothing to do with it. It is just that I am not capable of handling even the smallest of stressers right now. I can see that I will be OK when I finally get some sleep. I know this because, I have gotten a few good nights in the last month and it always makes a world of difference. So, imagine if I actually got a few good nights IN A ROW... or maybe even a week? Woo Hoo would that be great!
I also wanted to share with you all what my fervent, intense constant prayer is right now. When an infant is diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, there is a small chance that it could be Neonatal Diabetes. This is a monogenetic form of diabetes that appears in infancy. It can be transient or permanent. The beauty of it is that they have managed to successfully treat this form of diabetes with a pill. Yes, you heard me correctly, A PILL. No shots, no pump. Yes, you still need to check your blood sugar occasionally and you HAVE to rely on the pill... but it is worlds and worlds better than where we are now. So, we should have the results back from the DNA test sometime near the end of the week. (They took the blood while we were in ICU but it takes a month to do this test.) I am praying, begging, pleading with God to let this be his diagnosis. I know one shouldn't bargain with the Almighty Creator of Heaven and Earth but I have promised to never be lazy again and spend all of my time as wisely as possible and NEVER, EVER complain... EVER!!!!!!!! If that matters. (: Honestly, I know I could never do enough to deserve His mercy in any way, but I am certainly praying for it. If you have a minute and remember, please join me in this prayer.
I love you all! Sweet dreams.
Posted by Christy at 8:35 PM 6 comments
Saturday, August 30, 2008
God knows what He's doing...
I find that an interesting comment. While at the end of the day, I will always say I agree with it, I'm not sure you should say that to me in regards to this latest trial. I don't know why. I somehow find it annoying and unsettling.
People also say it in regards to the "why" of my kids going to school this year. They're probably right. But, for now, (probably because of lack of sleep) all I can think of are the negatives. They are so cranky and tired and DO not get along. They also seem to think they deserve extra privileges on the weekend. Also, any contact I used to have with adults is pretty much gone. I find myself trying to go up to the school just so I can talk to an adult. But then, I do... and realize that none of them know me. So, they just stare at me and maybe try to make small talk.
Then, I try to somehow help my little girl who is trying her best to survive the academic onslaught. But who also wants to keep up the social pace that all of the other kids are seeming to keep. I have no idea how. There must be a secret that we do not know. I have had to say no to so many things and now I am officially the bad guy. Perfect. It fits. Nothing is seeming to go well right now. But...
God knows what He's doing...
Posted by Christy at 5:34 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
My dear friend Rachel gave me a good conversation starter. I have not had a lot of time lately (believe it or not) and I really haven't wanted to rant all day long about Diabetes details. I'm sure you're tired of hearing about it. But, the nursing thing while treating diabetes is an interesting topic. Most people are intrigued and wonder how it can be done. Here's the scoop. They count carbs of breast milk just the same as they count carbs of formula. (It is very imprecise but... it sorta works.) So, it is 2 carbs for every ounce of breast milk. The trouble is, how many ounces is he drinking each time??? It has been said that you can weigh them to find out how much they took in. Unfortunately, I don't have an infant scale. My own scale would be too difficult. So... I guess. ( : I know that in the morning it appears he drinks like 10 oz. (fir reeeal!) ( :
Posted by Christy at 6:06 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
A Post for Me
I just need to be reminded of this.
Posted by Christy at 9:50 PM 3 comments
Monday, August 18, 2008
Things I would have blogged about
Well, believe it or not, other things have been going on in our house besides Blood sugar checks, insulin shots, pump management, doctors calls and ER visits. ( : There are many things that I would have been blogging about, but, they were put aside for a little while. For instance...
Rachel learned to Water Ski this summer! Just a couple of weeks ago as a matter of fact! She took a few tries getting up but when she made it she was thrilled! Unfortunately, the next day it rained so she didn't get to go again. There is always next year. Parker really wanted to try. I told him he had to be at least 10 (maybe 11). That is how old Rachel is after all. I think I was 12 when I learned.
The first week of school for Rachel and Parker went really well. They are very tired and starving at the end of each day. So far though, I think they will do just fine. So... A great big relief to this home school mommy. I guess we haven't been too shabby in our learning after all. I miss the terribly though. I try not to think about it too much.
Also, today, I was playing on the floor with Forest and over the speakers we had the music playing that Tim had put together to take to the hospital when he was born. There are so many great meaningful songs on that mix. Tim happened to notice that Forest was ACTUALLY born to the song "There's a difference 'tween Livin' and Livin' Well" by George Strait. We love that song. If you ever get the chance... you should listen to it. My eyes were filling with tears just thinking about the moment when he was born. I wouldn't trade this little man for anything. He has helped our family in our pursuit of "living well". This road we are on is windy and full of ups and downs but I am OH SO GLAD we are on it. He is a blessing to our hearts in every way. Then, the next song that plays in the mix is called "Beautiful Scandalous Night" by Deri Daugherty (from The Choir) It says ...
"Go on up to the fountain of mercy, to the crimson perpetual tide, kneel down on the shore, be thirsty no more, go under and be purified. At the wonderful, tragic, mysterious tree, On that beautiful, scandalous night, you and me, were atoned by His blood and forever washed white on that Beautiful, Scandalous Night." So, I did. Right then, in that moment, I met with my heavenly Father and knelt and let His mercy and grace cover me. It just has to. I can't go on without it. Nothing has stripped me so completely of my ability to "self sustain". I need Him. Desperately. Forest has brought that blessing to my life. He has brought me to the foot of the cross. Right where I need to be...
Posted by Christy at 9:39 PM 5 comments
Saturday, August 16, 2008
OK, well, after last night's post... here is the latest. I checked his BG level at 10 p.m. and it was still "HI" so the doctor had me check his ketones. Those are the nasty little things that get released when he doesn't have any insulin working in his body AND that sent us to Pediatric ICU for 4 days. Guess what? He registered a 5.4. Just to put that in perspective... they get concerned when it hits "1". So, after almost passing out at the sight of that number, I call the doctor back. Of course, I think they FINALLY believe me now that this pump is NOT WORKING. I repeat, NOT WORKING. So, they have me give him a Lantus injection and a Novolog injection but in the mean time he gets so lethargic and limp that the doctor thought it would be prudent to go ahead and head back in to the ER. So, off we went. They hydrated him and checked all of his labs again. We finally got home at 1:30 a.m. Tim stayed home with Rachel since she was already asleep (at my suggestion) and my parents and sweet friend Laura ran up to be with me. At one point I actually fell asleep with my head hanging back and mouth wide open in a very uncomfortable hospital chair. Yep, I need some rest.
Oh and by the way, I didn't forget about my son Parker. (: He was staying the night at a friend's house....
Posted by Christy at 9:08 AM 4 comments
Friday, August 15, 2008
Please pray
Today we went to the Clinic in Tulsa due to 3 site changes not working. They proceeded to tell me that we just needed to give Forest MORE insulin through his pump. Fine... if it works. So far, it isn't. Last check he read "HI". They want me to keep waiting. I am dying here...
Posted by Christy at 7:49 PM 3 comments
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Nope. The site is still not working. Nope. I didn't sleep. Nope. I don't want to do another site change. But... Nope. There is no other option. and Nope. I don't like this at all...
Posted by Christy at 12:03 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Site change day is definitely a dreaded day. I was glad though to have made it for 3 full days and not have to do an "emergency" site change. That was definitely nice. So, I decided I would try to have a good attitude about the task today. I even made the opportunity for a nice warm bath for the little guy without any needles in his bum. It was very sweet. Lots of splashing and laughing. Not for too long though...
I got everything ready and did the site change and all was well. I set his "basal rate" (don't worry, you don't want to know) pretty low since he has crashed after every other site change. So, I wasn't too shocked when his numbers started to climb after each subsequent glucose check. I increased things and then finally even gave a correction. So, by 8:20 I expected we would see some better numbers. Not so. The meter just said "HI".
Crap. Another site not working. Sorry... my holy side isn't working at a moment like that. ) :
So, I got to do a site change again at 8:30 at night. That is definitely going to mean a long night. Let's hope that it's working... and if it is, that it doesn't make him go TOO low. Man, just, man, I don't know what I want to say besides just...
This sucks.
Posted by Christy at 9:40 PM 4 comments
First day of ACS...
Notice Parker just looks delighted. (:
Actually he has been quite a trooper. When that alarm goes off at 6:30 a.m. it is not pretty. Not even for mom. Who of course is up all hours of the night right now anyway. But we're making it. Rachel had homework the first day but luckily Mrs. Fisher had already prepared her for that. She finished with time to spare for the evening. If we can keep our time management in check we should be good. So far we have had 2 good uneventful diabetic days. But today is site change day so we shall see if it continues. (: Much love from the Cook house...
Posted by Christy at 8:32 AM 3 comments
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Life goes on...
You know, after a day like yesterday, one really needs to rest and reflect. As you might have guessed, that just can't happen. Not in mommy world. (: As you all know. So, today, we're back in full swing. This hermit mommy that wants to never leave the house HAD to go to the store and get some things for the pending "first day of school". Rachel and Forest and I went and we made it back with no crisis happenings. I was holding my breath the whole time trust me. Laundry has got to get done (and even some ironing). So I am working on those things. I guess that is good. If I had too much time to pause, fear might just eat me alive. As it is, I am praying through each 3 hour interval before I check blood sugars again and trusting him into God's care. There is no better place.
Thank all of you for lifting us up in prayer. You are amazing friends. Thank you for your encouraging words and even some scripture. (That was a perfect one Courtney) I haven't had a lot of time in the word lately. As you can imagine. It was so good to read that and be reminded of God's unwavering love and care for us. Even when it seems like He has taken off on me. He IS there. Thanks again for the meals. It's so good right now. If I had to make a meal I would probably just cry. Well... what would really happen is my sweet husband would do it. (:
Lots of love.....
OK... I spoke too soon... after I posted this calm peaceful post... life went crazy. Of course. (:
I was cutting Parker's hair in the bathroom (can't touch ears or collar.)...and Rachel comes in and says, "Mom, Forest is real stinky." OK no big deal, I'll change him and continue on. Right? Wrong. This was the messiest diaper ever known to man. Or at least this little man. It was ALL OVER his infusion site for the pump. Not good. So, I had to wrestle him onto his tummy, clean all of it off and remove the site and somehow keep it sterile. Then... yes, once again, I had to put in a whole new infusion site. They said I would only have to do that once every 72 hours. They lied. Babies in diapers and diabetic pump infusion sites do not go well together.
Posted by Christy at 5:08 PM 3 comments
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Not so good day
Today is August 9th , 2008. Today, Phoenix is 3 yrs. old. and in heaven. I was prepared to have somewhat of a sad day and make some cupcakes. I also thought we might go visit his little burial site. Never "fun" but always good. However, none of that has happened.
I had to run back out to Skiatook lake to pick up Rachel who had stayed the night in the motor home with my parents.So, we packed up our "diabetes stuff" and off we went. Earlier today, I had noticed that after breakfast, Forest's blood sugar went up. Not incredibly strange... but sorta strange. Since I had given him enough insulin to cover what he ate. Also, since he had gone up... I gave him a correction of insulin at the next meal along with his normal insulin. As we were driving to Skiatook, I noticed that he wasn't perking up like he should. He was just sort of limp. So... I pulled over in the Wal-Mart parking lot to check his blood sugar. Also, I checked the pump for a malfunction and I checked the tubing... no bubbles. So, his blood sugar was 480. Just slightly under what it was when he went to the ER. What????? His pump site must not be absorbing!! Guess what? We are 40 minutes from home and I don't have a syringe. Never thought of having a syringe with me. So... I jump in the van and start driving as fast as legally possible. We made it home and after talking with the Dr. on my way, she said to give him a shot of insulin, then replace the site. So... that is what I did. Then, I needed to check his blood sugar again. To make sure the new site was working and also because, every time I have changed his site before it absorbs a little too well and he crashes! Guess what? I couldn't find the glucometer. I looked all over the van.. all over the house. No where! So, I call the pharmacy and they say I can come get one. So, with Forest in tow... I run to the pharmacy. It takes forever of course because the pharmacist, with the best of intentions is trying to make sure he gets one that our insurance will cover. We finally get it and run home and find out that the lancets they gave me won't work with the new meter. So... I run back to the pharmacy and call them and say, can I please just check his blood sugar when I get there??? Yes, they said that would be OK. So, we get the lancets... and the meter won't start. UGHH!!! No battery... so the nice lady runs to get me a battery. In the mean time... Forest is fading. Fast! She returns, we get the battery in, the meter won't work... you have to have a code key! What??? Apparently the code key is in the box at home. Nice. Now, Forest has officially passed out, with eyes rolling in the back of his head. No drama, I'm not kidding. Finally, she remembers an old glucometer they have in the back of the pharmacy with strips that were expired. I said... I don't care can we please use them??? I didn't know if he was HIGH or LOW! She got it and we finally got a reading. He was incredibly low! So, she let me come behind the door and unplug his pump and nurse him. He finally came around and was feeling a little better. Then, we came home and I fed him some oatmeal and hooked him back up. Now he is sleeping and his blood sugar (for the moment) is good. But, I on the other hand, am not so good. I need to cry and sleep for 5 days straight to even have a shot at being good.
Posted by Christy at 5:30 PM 4 comments
Friday, August 8, 2008
Good day
Well, although I don't like to be a downer, in this instance, I hesitate to say we are doing "good".
I don't want any of you to stop praying for us for one second. Please.
But, I do have to admit, today was a pretty good day. So far of course, it's only 7. (: Forest started the day with blood sugars a little high. We have been able to bring them slowly down and I feel pretty good about where he is now. I feel like I am walking on a tight rope. One wrong move and down we go. (or up) It has been really fun to watch his little personality return. He is all boy for sure!! He really has extreme curiosity and when he plays with a toy he prefers to bang it or throw it on the floor as to playing calmly with it. Sounds normal so far right?
He is so close to crawling. Oh my, that could be crazy. I will have to watch him and adjust his insulin as he gets more active. Not that he will be running a marathon or anything but exercise will definitely effect his levels. Pardon me... just thinking out loud. (or not really I guess)
Well, off to do some laundry. I pray tonight goes well. Love to you all...
Posted by Christy at 6:48 PM 2 comments
Thursday, August 7, 2008
I'm going to be sick
Today, for the first time, I did a site change all by myself. I can tell you, I was visibly shaking. Getting all of the details right with no bubbles in the line, all the programming correct, and putting a needle in a squirmy little 8 month old bottom are just too much to bear. Then, to top it off, I made a couple of mistakes. I think I managed to correct them but in the mean time, I think I bruised his little bottom. Honestly, I feel sick. It has to get better. Please let it get better...
Posted by Christy at 3:04 PM 5 comments
Monday, August 4, 2008
Successful site change
Every third day, the needle for the pump must be removed and a new one put in a new location. This is a multi-step process that we were shown in a 10 minute demonstration. So... I was just slightly apprehensive. My sweet friend Laura (who is now unfortunately a professional site changer) walked me through it. It went well. Forest was fussy (I think due to a gassy tummy because mommy ate something wrong.) but he didn't cry at all when I put the needle in. Thank God for Lidocaine!!! However, the rest of the day went dramatically down hill very fast. This was by far the worst day of blood sugar management we have had. He crashed and I wasn't able to get him back up for 4 hours. Honestly, that was the worst 4 hours EVER. I fed him, gave him extra food... then, when he would eat no more, I had to squirt cake decorating gel into his little cheeks. Yuck. He managed to get it everywhere. So, he had a blue face, blue hands, blue everything. That got him up just a little. Then, I checked him again and he had gone back down! I nursed him one more time. In the middle of all of this, I had to detach him from the pump. Finally, at 5, I got him high enough that I was able to reattach his pump. Then... he went to 421!!! What on earth????? I could not feel more helpless! Please pray. I don't have a feeling this will be an easy night.
Posted by Christy at 8:35 PM 7 comments
I could be sleeping
But, I can't. My sleep life is so messed up. The good news however, is I think we have found the right dose of insulin for night time. He has been in the 100's so far since about 5:30 this evening! That is huge. He is slowly climbing but that is much better than crashing. I will be able to correct in the morning. Now, if I could actually go to sleep that would just be life changing.
I have been reading other blog posts and realizing once again that as my life has been standing still in this trial, others lives have been going right along. Weird. I know that all of you have been praying for Forest and oh how I need you to be doing that. Thank you so much. He is such a precious little guy. He is doing much better, laughing and playing. Rolling around and grabbing every toy in sight and also starting to scooch a little on his belly. YIKES! This is such a crazy time to be adding this to his life. He is getting slowly more mobile, and just beginning to add little foods to his diet. Such a fun and exciting time and now...such a complicated time. I know that God will give us the strength as we need it. I have allowed myself to worry about the future and how I will handle all of this when I should just be thanking God that my little boy is alive and well. I know what it means to take one day at a time and I still have trouble doing it.
Big hugs from my house to all of my amazing friends. Thank you so much for the meals. I'm eating well again and my milk seems to still be there! Yeah! I appear to have lost about 10 pounds but I'm sure I can fix that pretty quickly. (: Thank you especially to the Robertson's for the "diabetic donations" and for Jim delivering little things to help us. Also thanks especially to Mr. Steve Fisher who was mowing our lawn when we woke up this morning! (Tim's tractor broke last week while we were at the hospital... of course.) Steve is one brave soul. It was only like 107 degrees today. He came back to finish late this evening and mowed in the dark!! I didn't know you could do that. I looked out the back window and said... "It's like he's mowing in the great abyss." Tim was so humbled. He really wanted to hop on his tractor and go out and help. BUT... it's in the shop so he just had to sit and receive help. NOT EASY for him. (:
OK, I will shut the computer now and hopefully close my eyes. Good night!
Posted by Christy at 1:13 AM 3 comments
Sunday, August 3, 2008
When we first arrived at St. Francis, they had to detach his IV because it was not compatible with their IV machines. So, for an hour, I held him and waited while they ordered another IV drip. They did not start the insulin at first. He was still in a very delirious and agitated state. Hard to console. It was emotionally draining and physically exhausting. They finally got the IV in, and some more oxygen on him. Then, eventually, an insulin drip. He fell off to sleep. I stood there, over his crib and didn't take an eye off of him. The doctor came in and gave me a summary of what they would be doing to correct his little body and told me not to worry... "by the time he is a teenager, we'll have a cure." Boy, do I hope so. I will choose to believe that. I relaxed a bit, for the first time feeling hopeful that I knew what the problem was and they were fixing it. At least it wasn't the great unknown thing that was making him sick. 100 years ago, diabetes was a death sentence. Even though this will take all of my time and energy for a long time to come, at least he can live. And even live a normal life. As I sat there staring at him, Tim and the kids finally arrived. We were all so concerned. We were beginning what turned out to be 48 hours of not feeding him and just trying to make him better. He slept alot. When he did wake up, he was hungry so he wasn't very happy. We learned a few tricks at calming him down. He really like to have his little hands held tightly and I held him of course as much as possible. His little mouth was so dry. We were allowed to dip his pacifier in water and give it to him. But only every 30 minutes. Anything he took in by mouth would affect his lab work. Our goal was to get those numbers normal so that he could start nursing again. The nurse he had for the first 2 days has a little 7 month old boy. Her heart was just breaking with mine. She couldn't stand to watch him not eat. When we finally got the right numbers, I could hear her celebrating and running down the hall to tell me. God was so good to put so many amazing people in our path. When he finally did start nursing, he went on a paci-strike. He wasn't about to let us give him a paci instead of nursing again. Now that he believes he gets to eat, he is taking it again. On Wednesday, the first day he could nurse and the first day he was off of the insulin drip and getting shots, we were sent to an all day training for diabetes. We went all day Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Information overload. I felt like I had taken 5 college courses and been kicked out the door and told to apply this to life and NEVER mess up. His little life depends on it. Tim said that he read somewhere that if you get a diagnosis of diabetes then you have to become a mathematician, a dietician, and a doctor... overnight. Yes!!! That is true! It is incredibly overwhelming. Since we have been home, I have been up almost every hour on the hour, every night. Checking blood sugars, making corrections, calling the Doctor. Yes, I am tired. But, I am hopeful that it will get better. I am sure there are a million and one ways that this applies to my spiritual journey and I am sure that one day, I will tell you about them, but right now, (: that is all I have to say.
Thank you to everyone of you who are praying. Please continue.
Posted by Christy at 6:47 PM 1 comments
Saturday, August 2, 2008
A whole new world
I really have so much to say, my heart is full. Of questions, of anger, of FEAR, of sadness, of thankfulness and yes, peace. This last week has been without question the hardest one of my life yet. I know that might be hard to believe. Maybe in a couple of years, looking back I can say different. But not right now. My fight has been for, not only Forest's life, but for my own sanity and spiritual life and physical well being. Also, for my husband and my other 2 kids.Fighting to keep them feeling loved and hopeful. In case our story has not traveled far enough to reach your ears, I will try to tell it quickly.(I don't have long before Forest wakes up)
Monday morning, July 28th, I awoke at 6 a.m. to an 8 month old little boy that was breathing very heavy, sticking out a swollen tongue, had sunken eyes, and disorientation. I grabbed him quickly and tried to nurse him. He wanted to, but couldn't. That's it, I thought, we are going to the emergency room. I changed his diapers and told the other 2 kids to wake their daddy, get me some clothes and meet me at the ER. I put him in the car, started driving and praying. Out loud. About half way there (I could see him in the rear view mirror.) he appeared to stop breathing and started to close his eyes. I called 911, jumped out of the van and grabbed him again and stood on the side of the road until they arrived. He was still breathing. Thank goodness. They put him in the ambulance, put him on oxygen and told me to meet them at the hospital. As soon as we got in, they started assessing him, tons of people, lots of craziness. One of the people said "check his glucose". I don't remember who. Wow. I never thought of that. Yikes! OK... that's interesting... they checked it and yelled out, 498... it's 498. He's in DKA. Whatever that meant. I had no idea. Lot's of needles, lots of blood, an IV, oxygen all on my little boy. They came in and told us he was diabetic, he was in a state they call "diabetic keto-acidosis" and they would be sending him ASAP in the ambulance to St. Francis Pediatric ICU in Tulsa. One parent could ride in the ambulance. Next thing you know, they had me on the bed, feeding him ice chips and holding him and we were rolling to the ambulance. I'm sure you can imagine, from 6 a.m. on until right now, this very moment, I have had adrenaline pumping through my veins. For 2 days straight, a full 48 hours, he did not nurse, or eat at all. He had an IV with fluid to re-hydrate him and an insulin drip. Then, finally, when all of his labs started coming back normal, I was able to nurse.
I'll continue later today... he is awake.
Posted by Christy at 1:49 PM 11 comments
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Our two sons...
Posted by Christy at 10:52 PM 3 comments
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Family Pool day


He liked the floatie for a little bit. It really isn't that comfortable. Plus, I kept having to reposition him to keep him in the shade. So, it wasn't that fun... looks fun though.
Posted by Christy at 10:35 AM 5 comments
Catching up...


The kids and I resting at a table in one of the little huts at Plymouth. Man, it was hot! Or, maybe I was just really pregnant...

This was John Adams house. The one he built next to the one he was born in. It's so funny, because if you read the book, it was way out in the country. But, now it is in the middle of town. Not far from there is Peacefield... where he and Abigail retired. We went there too.


This was a cozy little restaurant at one of the hotels we stayed at. It was right on the James River. Very cool. I had never seen a river so big that I couldn't see the other side. (I know, just call me an Okie.) I HAVE seen the ocean though. 2 of them in fact. (:
Posted by Christy at 10:10 AM 0 comments
I just realized that long ago I said I would be posting about Rachel's ballet workshop and their performance. But, I haven't. The reason is, we have a great video of it, but I can't seem to figure out how to get it onto my blog. My husband could probably help me do this, but he has no time. (He did yesterday but I didn't want to ask him on his birthday.) So, hopefully, sometime, I will get it on here for you to watch. It really is impressive. Even the parts without my daughter in them. ( :
She did lovely for her first time en pointe. Watching ballet that close up was very impressive. You could see the incredible exertion of energy. The controlled breathing, the beads of sweat. Wow. It truly is HARD. Very interesting. If my daughter isn't in it, usually it is like watching paint dry to me, but I am developing a new appreciation for the sport of it. Not quite as exciting as gymnastics, but still...
I'll try to at least get some photos of her in her new pointe shoes for ya...
Posted by Christy at 9:58 AM 1 comments
Saturday, July 19, 2008
If my publishing time is correct, you will notice that it is 3:41 a.m. My sweet little boy has turned into a roly-poly and now, I can't sleep. He turns over in all kinds of manners through the night and I am scared silly that he is going to bury his face in his sheet...
He hasn't so far. I keep checking on him. I roll him over to his back. I go back in and there he is on his tummy. He's stubborn. I wouldn't worry so much but "they say" it is most dangerous for an infant who has ALWAYS slept on their back to all of a sudden sleep on their stomach. UGH! So, how do I keep him from sleeping on his stomach?? Short of staying up all night???
Posted by Christy at 3:40 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Dern! I wish I was funny...
I really do. Then I could blog and blog and blog and people would flock from all over cyber land to read it. (: But, alas, I am not. And, I like others am just running around like a crazy mommy trying to make my kids have fun this summer. That really doesn't create a ton of blog posts unless you would like endless photos of the kids in the pool. I do have a fun photo of Forest trying to slap Parker and wake him up that I will be posting soon so stay tuned.
Posted by Christy at 10:34 PM 4 comments
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Some Summer Photos
It is so cute when he gets that little wrinkled brow thing going on. He looks just like his daddy. I just love it. I'm not sure what was going on here...
Such a sweet moment on the back porch between bubby and sissy. He just adores her and Parker. I am so glad he has them for role models.
Forest has begun sitting on his own now. He still isn't great at it, but good enough for a picture. He is getting such a little personality. It delights me to see how much he loves his daddy and sissy and bubby. I expect that he would cheer at the sight of mommy... I am the food source. But, to see his little eyes brighten and his smile light up when ANY of us come near, it is just priceless. I love him dearly and can't imagine this family without him.
Well, as I type, he is crying in his crib so I will go now...
Posted by Christy at 8:39 PM 4 comments
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Photos from my relaxing day...
It may have been only a day, (OK, and 2 nights) but, it was well worth the drive. The drive home was another story but I'll save that for the end. I really enjoyed getting to know Courtney better. We got to talk for 2 hours there and back. ( I enjoyed it, I hope she did.) We got there and headed straight for Shoguns. When I told Courtney on the way that they had a new one in Fayetteville, I thought she was going to cry. Little did I know that it was her favorite restaurant! So, we made a plan to go. It was interesting with Lily and Forest. They did pretty well considering we had to wait almost half an hour before our chef showed up. I nursed him in the restroom. I'm getting good at balancing on the side of a public potty and nursing. Not my favorite, but it works. We ate WAY too much food and then headed home. We stayed up until 11 just talking away. It was nice. Then the next day, believe it or not... Forest slept until 8 a.m. He's never done that before or since but it was very nice of him to do it on the day when I could stay in bed too! We relaxed and ate breakfast and talked, and talked. We did swim a little, as you saw in the pictures. Then, I made Tim's amazing salsa. Well, really, we all made it since Forest was freaked out by the noise that the chopper made and kept crying. So, I had to have help. It was very yummy. Later, we made dinner. Mahi-Mahi, sweet potatoes, and salad with Courtney's home made dressing... YUM! It was an impressive meal I must say. Once the babies were asleep, we headed up to the theatre room and watched "High School Musical" on the big screen while eating cookies and chips and salsa. WOW. Heaven. Just reliving it makes me feel relaxed and happy. That's good, since, Saturday morning was the beginning of the "real world". It was "rush rush" so that I could get back in town for Rachel's ballet performance on pointe. Also, Courtney had to get back for Jackson's birthday party. So, we climbed in the van already running late and Forest began to cry almost immediately. He has never really done that so I really thought he would stop once we got going... but,(ahem)... no. So, after a while, I pulled over on a little country road and nursed him. There, that should do it. (cough) no. So... I let Courtney drive and I jumped in the back to hold his hand and comfort him.(she needed mini-van driving experience anyway.)That seemed to do the trick. He slept for about 45 minutes,then cried again for the whole rest of the ride. Isn't that nice? What a peaceful weekend. Also, it poured rain for a good deal of the drive. Fun. Then, to top it off, we stopped for gas because it takes alot of gas to get from Fayetteville to Bartlesville and back. Courtney was nice enough to pump for me so I could stay with Forest. (nickname: Fussy pants) Apparently, the machine didn't take our card, but we thought it did. Is it supposed to let you pump gas if it doesn't accept your credit card??? Anyway, the gas station attendant came chasing after us as we were driving away. "HEY! IT DIDN'T TAKE YOUR CARD!!!" Oh, oops. Sorry. ( : So, I had to run in (in the rain) and pay. That would have topped the day off to have the police pull us over for stealing gas. You have to just laugh. So we did. We finally made it home. whew! Thanks for being a good sport Courtney and not stressing too bad over running so late. It was a great weekend.
Posted by Christy at 12:22 PM 5 comments
Thursday, June 26, 2008
On my way...
I'm on my way out of town today for a little get away. Should be fun. I always struggle with leaving the kids at all. They are great at making me feel needed and loved. (; First, I will start with a massage, then pick up 2 other friends, then head for Arkansas. We will swim, relax, read books, eat and SLEEP!! Most of all, I won't have my own laundry to stare at that constantly whispers "you know you should be washing me, but you're not!!" and my own sink that says "I used to be shiny."
Yes, of course Forest will be coming with me. Since they haven't developed the technology yet to allow daddies to nurse. Hopefully I will take some pictures and have lots to tell you in a few days. Mostly though, I will be posting about my precious little girl who will be performing her first dance in pointe shoes on Saturday. I can't wait to see her. If she spins and leaps half as good as she does at home, then we're in for a treat!
Posted by Christy at 6:53 AM 4 comments
Monday, June 23, 2008
I've been thinking. Where will I be in 2048? You know, when I was younger, I didn't have the presence of mind to set goals for the future...like, when I'm 30, I want to have accomplished "so and so". But now, I'm finding, I have some very specific thoughts about my future. Dalene's comment about saving her a spot on my front porch in 2048 got me thinking. First of all, YIKES! What in the world?? That sounds so weird. 2048. But, then again, when I was just a little girl singing "tonight I'm gonna party like it's 1999", I never knew I would be in a hospital delivery room welcoming my first son into the world in 1999. (strange idea of a party) In a way, those children of ours have been the beginning of the best party ever. Anyway, I think by the time I hit 75... yes, that's how old I will be then, I will have some very specific things that I want to be able to say that I did. If the good Lord gives me the mercy and grace necessary to live that long of a life.
I want to somehow finally have my college degree. I would prefer it was a liberal arts degree personally. BUT, a simple education degree will do. ( I have a feeling I'd be sitting in most of the classes whispering under my breath about most of what they have to say) I want to have spent a good deal of my years teaching. My own children and others. I want to have raised at least 4 children. I want to have many many grand children. I want to have helped COUNTLESS people and NO ONE to know. I want to have grown in humility and wisdom every year. I want to have reflected the unconditional love of Christ, and finally, I want my husband to still be by my side, and be happy about it. ( :
That's all...
Posted by Christy at 9:16 PM 3 comments
Friday, June 20, 2008
Life, Friends and Controversial topics
Well, I am sitting down to write for a few minutes... we shall see if I don't get interrupted. ( : I think it's pretty funny that I blogged about some of the things we've done in the past couple of weeks twice. It is evidence of how crazy it has been and a small lack of sleep. (LOL!) No, the baby has not kept me up at all. He's doing good... (except naps, they are 30 minute random things). But, different things like the cat going crazy in the middle of the night, Rachel officially getting her pointe shoes (which means that you stay up until 1:30 like a good mom and sew on elastic and ribbon), then baby waking at 6 a.m. you know, just life. Anyway, I'm rambling. Sorry.
In between doing all kinds of fun summer stuff, I have occasionally sat down at the computer to continue a discussion that was started months ago about a slightly controversial topic. Many of my friends do not agree with my opinion on this topic, so I have spent many an hour trying to "explain" myself. I know many of you that have been involved in or reading the conversation will probably read this blog and know what topic I'm discussing here, but I don't want to bring it up. I really don't want to live through that again. ( : It has gotten heated at times and I have been concerned for friendships. It has brought many a deeper thought to my mind. Mostly regarding friendships. You know like, can we REALLY agree to disagree? Or, will there always be that judgement in the back of their mind? Should we really tell people what we think? Or are friendships (for the most part) just too fragile to be THAT real? Should we just do what we do and not discuss it? Do I ever choose to quietly cross someone off of my list because I don't agree with them? I want to look inside and examine these things for myself. What kind of friend do I want to be? I hope through life's bumps and curves, I become a better friend as I go. These are the things that have been rolling around in my mind. I guess I hope that I haven't been TOO real. But, ultimately, I guess, "it is what it is". In the famous words of my husband.
Posted by Christy at 3:22 PM 3 comments
Monday, June 16, 2008
Wow, It has been over a week and I haven't had time to blog at all. I thought this was summer?? We have been busy and it has been fun. Parker had Cub Scout Camp and that was really good. He did archery, be-be guns, fishing, hiking. He really felt great at the end of it all. I was so happy to know that he is part of it. We went on the last day for the family picnic and campfire. Whew. We took some friends out in Tulsa for her birthday. Rachel attended a babysitting class. Then both kids had to take the ACS placement test. Then we had another birthday to attend. We had church, then auditions for a part in the New York Theatre Ballet presentation of Sleeping Beauty. Didn't make it, but it was a great experience. Today, Rachel headed to her 2 week ballet workshop that is ALL day and now, I'm headed to take my grandfather to OK Mozart tonight. In between, I've been cramming baby naps, laundry, a little cleaning and meal preparation. Oh yes, and I forgot running to my parents last night for an ever so brief Father's Day celebration.
Poor Tim spent the WHOLE day on the tractor. Luckily he enjoys it. What a Father's Day...
Well, I hope to write more later. In the meantime, hope you're having a good week.
Posted by Christy at 5:46 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 7, 2008
A game of TAG
This is a little friendly blogger game. I've read a few of these and was hoping I wouldn't get tagged. Not because I don't want to play, but because I was afraid of some of those questions. (: They actually require some memory. YIKES! Anyway, here goes...
The inquisition...
1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post, the player tags 5-6 people, posts their names, then leaves a comment in their respective blogs to let them know they've been tagged.
4. Let the person who tagged you know that you posted your answers.
1. What were you doing 10 years ago? I was living in a little condo on Shawnee with my hubby and 18 month old little girl. Those were the days. Life was very simple.
2. What are 5 things on your to-do list today? I'll list for tomorrow since today is essentially over.
Let's see, 1. Get up early to hostess for children's ministry. 2. Get the kids dressed and ready for church. 3. Get the kids dressed and ready for the tap performance at Sunfest. 4. Make dinner. 5. Relax.
3. What are some snacks you enjoy? M&M's, dried cranberries, popcorn, granola bars, chips and salsa, I prefer snacking to meals actually...
4. What would you do if you were a billionaire? I would hire my husband to help me handle it. I'm afraid of myself.
5. What are 3 of your bad habits? My son would say I have a bad habit of saying, "ya think?" I also have a habit of staring off into la-la land. (this is due to frequently feeling overwhelmed). My other bad habit is driving past the place I was headed to...Embarrassing.
Man, those all made me sound incredibly dumb.
6. What are 5 places you have lived?
1. Bartlesville, OK
2. Tulsa, OK
3. Costa Rica (for a month)
4. Nicaragua (for a month)
5. Panama (for a month)
6. then back to Bartlesville, OK (for the rest of my life)
7. What are 5 jobs you've had?
1. bulletin stuffer at FBC
2. babysitting
3. teller at 66 Federal Credit Union
4. dental assistant then...
8. What is currently playing on your IPOD? Would you believe that I don't have my own IPOD? Sad, huh? We have one for the house but right now, Sirius satellite radio is playing instead. Usually, I'm way too phlegmatic to care. My hubbie picks the music and it could be ANYTHING!
9. What are the last 5-6 books you've read? I'm currently reading The Reason for God by Timothy Keller, I also have started Influence, The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert Cialdini, My Bible (a little every day), When You Rise Up by R.C. Sproul (I re-read it to challenge myself and see if it persuaded me to NOT send my kids to American Christian School... it didn't.) Love the book though...
10. Who do you want to tag?
Kipplyn Summers
Courtney Berg
Kara Howze
Posted by Christy at 11:23 PM 6 comments
Friday, June 6, 2008
Brag post...
Maybe it's because Parker has been away every day since Wednesday at Scout camp but I am feeling like my kids are growing up so fast that I can't stand it!!!! Someone stop the bus! Anyway, people say this all the time but it is really scary how fast this happens. I say this to let some of you know who have "itty bitty" ones right now... treasure the moments! I know I am applying this lesson to Forest. I know I will turn around and he will be this big too. YIKES! Here are some photos to prove my point.

Posted by Christy at 11:00 AM 5 comments