Wednesday, August 13, 2008

First day of ACS...

Notice Parker just looks delighted. (:
Actually he has been quite a trooper. When that alarm goes off at 6:30 a.m. it is not pretty. Not even for mom. Who of course is up all hours of the night right now anyway. But we're making it. Rachel had homework the first day but luckily Mrs. Fisher had already prepared her for that. She finished with time to spare for the evening. If we can keep our time management in check we should be good. So far we have had 2 good uneventful diabetic days. But today is site change day so we shall see if it continues. (: Much love from the Cook house...


Becky said...

They look great! I like Parker's hair - I guess that was a must for ACS. I bet it was a strange day for you - having the house so quiet and with no schoolwork out for them. We continue to pray for your family. Love you.

Courtney said...

I can't believe they had homework on the first day of school. that is a bit absurd! but i am glad that Forest had an uneventful day. I hope the site change went well...we love you.

Dalene said...

I gave ALL of my students homework on the first day. It's a better way to get them off on the right foot than "being mean until Thanksgiving." I'm all about first day homework.

They always look so happy at school!!! What a great pic.