Thursday, September 11, 2008

Doctor's appt.

We went to the Dr. today. It is kind of emotional for me. They always seem to act like I check his blood sugar levels too often. I have to ask... if it were your child and you know they have dropped more than 200 points before in an hour... wouldn't you be a little worried??? They agree and are frustrated that he isn't really following the rules yet... but still. Also, our avg. blood sugar was way too high. I could have told them that.

No, they still do NOT have the results from the DNA test yet. Man... patience is hard.

We got diluant for our insulin. Now, I can give him a bigger volume but a very small dose. That should help me with my accuracy. We shall see. I am very tired since he didn't sleep well last night so, good night all.


Courtney said...

hope you and littlest mister sleep well tonight.

Dalene said...

Oh good news! Come quickly!

Laura said...

Friend, in the last 2 weeks we are averaging way more blood sugar checks than "normal" because of these sudden drops in an hour. You keep doing whatever you need to do to make sure you feel okay with how he feels. There is NO peace when you are stressed about his well being. Carter has been crashing constantly during these last few weeks and I am attributing it to a possible growth spurt but man is it stressful and he can communicate! Of course I wish he would tell me when he felt "sort of" low instead of waiting until the 30's and 40's. My point keep checking that sweet baby as much as you need too to feel comfortable with what is going on. To control the high's you need to see the pattern. No one has more insight into him then you do. I love you friend. I am REALLY praying hard for some good news.

Kipplyn said...

Still praying and hoping! Love you!

rachel white said...

hi. i know you're busy. and i've heard rumors of vomit...

and it was your BIRTHDAY!... (happy belated birthday, christy!)

BUT...are there any updates on forest? and/or on life in general?