Monday, June 23, 2008


I've been thinking. Where will I be in 2048? You know, when I was younger, I didn't have the presence of mind to set goals for the, when I'm 30, I want to have accomplished "so and so". But now, I'm finding, I have some very specific thoughts about my future. Dalene's comment about saving her a spot on my front porch in 2048 got me thinking. First of all, YIKES! What in the world?? That sounds so weird. 2048. But, then again, when I was just a little girl singing "tonight I'm gonna party like it's 1999", I never knew I would be in a hospital delivery room welcoming my first son into the world in 1999. (strange idea of a party) In a way, those children of ours have been the beginning of the best party ever. Anyway, I think by the time I hit 75... yes, that's how old I will be then, I will have some very specific things that I want to be able to say that I did. If the good Lord gives me the mercy and grace necessary to live that long of a life.
I want to somehow finally have my college degree. I would prefer it was a liberal arts degree personally. BUT, a simple education degree will do. ( I have a feeling I'd be sitting in most of the classes whispering under my breath about most of what they have to say) I want to have spent a good deal of my years teaching. My own children and others. I want to have raised at least 4 children. I want to have many many grand children. I want to have helped COUNTLESS people and NO ONE to know. I want to have grown in humility and wisdom every year. I want to have reflected the unconditional love of Christ, and finally, I want my husband to still be by my side, and be happy about it. ( :
That's all...


Courtney said...

that's not asking too much...:)

Dalene said...

It's good to realize...that in fact, our lives have only just started. Still plenty of time to live those dreams.

Becky said...

Great Goals!!! It will be exciting to look back!