Sunday, March 30, 2008

Thanks for the advice...

You know, technically, I would like to be "put under". BUT, when I had my one little wisdom tooth taken out, Dr. Cochran put me under and I was out... I mean OUT... all day and night. I COULDN'T wake up. It's funny to hear my kids talk about, but when you think about it, it's really not funny. I was obviously way overdosed for a little procedure. So... I don't think I'll do that.
I did have a consult with Dr. Stapleton who is Dr. Butler's partner and everyone raves about his work too. He seemed nice enough. We'll see. Maybe the rapture will happen before I need to do it. (:


Marci said...

Yes, I slept for 1 1/2 days after having my wisdom teeth out as well. I don't know how you could do that and take care of Forest. Can it wait until he is no longer nursing??

Learning to Live said...

If you must before Forest is done nursing you might try what I did. I had Bell's Palsy when my son was 2 months old. I had a wonderful doctor who graciously worked with me and looked up many things in his "book of medicines". I ended up going on a strong dose of steroids for 1 week (instead of a lower dose 2 or 3). But first I pumped and froze milk for a week. Then during the week of medication I pumped and dumped. It all worked out well for the both of us. So, if you can't wait - there are options. Nursing is such a blessing and a closeness that is hard to give up.