Thursday, March 6, 2008

Forever memories

It seems like just yesterday when I was speaking with my friend about Ava.( her little girl that hadn't been born yet.) I told her to buy a car seat. Just because, when I didn't get to buy one for Phoenix it just seemed so sad. She deliberated, then decided not to buy one. If they needed to, they could run and get one, but if they didn't get to bring her home, then she wouldn't have to stare at it and wish that Ava was sitting in it. Fair enough. That is why I didn't buy one. We talked about so many little decisions. It all just comes down to doing what you WANT to do, so you don't regret one single decision. So, now, here we are, and Ava is ALIVE and one week old. They NEEDED a car seat!

What she is realizing is, every single moment of this week, and beyond... is a chance for a "forever memory". What a gift God is giving her. Ava gets to feel their amazing love for her and be a part of the "every day family life". And, mommy gets to spend hours giving her love and making memories. So, yesterday, she made her cupcakes for her 1 week birthday! I am crying just thinking about them. Who knows if she'll get to make the one YEAR cupcakes, but for now, one week is definitely worth celebrating. Wow. It reminds me of doing Phoenix's laundry. Anything we can do for these amazing precious little babies is a HUGE gift. Those are the most important cupcakes in the world.


Aubrey said...

So true! When I took dinner over to them yesterday, they had just finished singing Happy Birthday to Ava ~ what a milestone to never forget. Such sweet little moments!

Becky said...

I thought I commented already, but it is not showing. I am so glad that God has chosen to give them this time with Ava. What a precious memory, what precious time! I wish so much that I did not have to learn life lessons such as how very precious life is from the pain of my friends. I love you and appreciate you!

Marci said...

I am so thankful for you Christy and so thankful that you are willing to walk along side our friend as she travels this road. I know it is hard for you but you are truly displaying Christ's power by doing it!

Love you!!!

Courtney said...

If only everybody had a friend like you Christy, the world would be a different (better) place. You are so all of us.

I called and left a message on Wednesday...let me knwo if that is anything I can do for you

Dalene said...

WOW... "Sweet" memories... I see so much wisdom coming from Rachel, as I do from you. God is so evident.