Saturday, March 29, 2008

The forbidden list and Implants?

Well, this has been a long week. First, I found out I need implants.
No, not breast implants. LOL! Although, I'm sure I could benefit from those too. (: No, the implants I'm speaking of are for my teeth! I have 2 little baby teeth that never had a grown up replacement waiting in the wings. I really need to thank them for hanging in there with me for 35 years. That IS impressive for baby teeth. They have done their job well. But, I'm quite distressed about needing to replace them. If I could, I'd just have them yanked and leave it alone, but the placement of these would mean that the rest of my teeth would start shucking and jiving their way into places they are not supposed to be, so, implants it is. Honestly, I am scared... I don't want someone screwing a metal post into my jawbone. Yikes. I plan to put it off as long as possible.

Another reason it has been a long week is because my sweet boy is so sensitive to so many foods that I eat. I really can't eat much. Let's see, the problem foods seem to be so far... milk, any thing creamy (sour cream, cream cheese, alfredo sauce, mac n cheese, velveeta, american cheese slices, gravy), butter, beans, broccoli and the latest is taquitos and the yummy sugar cookies that my SIL made with amazing frosting all over them. I keep wavering between only eating oatmeal and green tea all day every day OR... switching to formula and enjoying my food life again! (: (sigh) So far, I'll keep nursing. I really couldn't stand not nursing. Even with all the sacrifice. Only 8 more months to go...


Courtney said...

I am so sorry! I was suppose to get an implant in, however, I didn't have enough bone structure to do so, so I had to get a 3 crown bridge. I still have the temporary in. I highly recommend J. Reed Butler (although he will not "put you under") He is the nicest man I think I may have ever met and made me feel incredibly comfortable the ENTIRE time.

rachel white said...

oh dear - sweet christy! i will be praying that your food list does not decrease any further! and, of course, about the implants. i must admit, i would be quite fearful to have that kind of work done.

i recommend dr. cochran - the oral surgeon - his office is right next to chuck holland's. he did my wisdom teeth and it was an absolutely pain-free, fear-free experience. he gives you a nice little valium to take right before going into the office. and he does "put you out".

lots to think about... i will be praying for you!! : )

Dalene said...

That is some serious dental work...I would be nervous, too. I'll be praying that sweet baby boy becomes more tolerant. I had to make a lot of dietary adjustments for my little Mr. Man, and it WAS SO DIFFICULT!!!! You're THE WOMAN!

Becky said...

I cannot imagine having to make all those food adjustments. I never had to do that, and I feel so lucky! I'm sorry! I will pray that he becomes more tolerant.

Marci said...

That is a bummer about your teeth. I despise going to the dentist so I can totally relate to your fear. How soon are they saying you HAVE to get it done? Are they bothering you??

khowze said...

I feel for you with the teeth thing. I have wisdom teeth that need to come out and have needed to come out for years. I started having kids about the time they started telling me I needed them out. I joke that I kept having kids in order to avoid getting them out. I think I'm done with childbearing, so no longer can I avoid it!