Thursday, March 20, 2008

An Eleven Year Old and a Camera

In the Cook Van Ok, so shoot me, I sing and drive. My kids don't like it.
They think it greatly impairs their listening pleasure. I say,
when they get their own mini-van with lots of little people
strapped in the back of it, they can run it how they like. For now,
I sing...LOUDLY. (:

Why would we take pictures of the vans in front of us?
She thought it was funny. Who knows.

This is one of 50 photos of the cat. I really don't even care to have
one photo of this animal that greatly annoys me.

Now, here, here is a photo. How sweet. uh, wait, did
she sneak in and take this while he was sleeping???


Dalene said...

Ha Ha ha...gotta love the back of the vans. Maybe she should be a private detective someday! I'm with you on the singin' in the car... it especially annoys my eldest son, but I sort-of enjoy that it annoys him (for shame!).