Friday, March 14, 2008

A couple of things

First, I wanted to tell you what my very intelligent 8 year old told me this morning. Not sure where he got this but, I answered the phone around 9 a.m. (kind of unusual but we are expecting a few important calls today.) Anyway, a nice lady on the other end said, "hello, is this the body shop?" No, I told her, just a house. You must have the wrong number. She was very sweet and said goodbye. So, Parker says "wrong number?" I said "yes". He said, " I assume it was a lady,right?" "Yes,why?"... He said, "Well, boys don't get the wrong number."

I finally finished laughing and tried to instruct him in the error of his thinking. My take on it is, women have to take care of all of the calling, so, naturally, they might get a few wrong numbers. Right??????? LOL! Anywhoooo....

On a different note, please lift up my grandfather who is going into the hospital today. His heart and kidneys aren't in the BEST shape and he is retaining fluids. Enough so to bring some concern. (Along with the other prayers that I know you are all whispering.)



Marci said...

"I assume she was a lady"- - -Ooooooh Parker, you are funny! I can just hear his cute little voice saying that. I am glad you "corrected" his thinking! LOL

Sorry to hear about your grandfather- - I will pray!

Dalene said...

Okay, Parker..."them is fightn' words..." LOL.

Oh my...sweet Grandpa! Thank you for letting us know so we can pray.

Courtney said...

that is funny! its like engrained in their chromosonal makeup I think...boys don't get the wrong number because they don't ever ask for directions/or make phone calls :)

sorry to hear about your grandpa...let us know how he is soon. and baby ava too

Becky said...

I will be praying for your grandmother.

That is funny that Parker said that!!! Brent's parents like to tell everyone that when he was little, he INSISTED that girls could not drive trucks. Worse yet, he replaced his "TRs" with "Fs". My poor in-laws!!!

Becky said...

I meant grandfather!

Aubrey said...

LOL...that's funny Parker! Will be praying for your grandfather!

Becky said...

Christy, Mabel would like to view Rachel's Blog. Would that be possible?


Wendy Kough said...

I am praying for your Grandfather. Let us know how he is doing.

I will also be praying for Parker's future wife! :) Ryan's too! We are not raising them to say those things. It's just there when they are born! Enjoy!