Monday, March 10, 2008

Life Lessons #1

This will be a running series on my blog. Interrupted by occasional meaningless ramblings and funny stories. (: At least, that's the plan. It's always good to have a plan right?

This first lesson is, don't forget to learn from your family. My grandfather is a wonderful man, full of lessons from his past. He has a great appreciation for life because I think he knows it's slipping away. He smiles so freely when he sees his great grandchildren. He called the other night and told me it had been too long since he had seen them (especially his youngest great grandchild... Forest Winston). So, how could I resist... we jumped in the car and went to have dinner with him and hang out. Those are precious, priceless memories. I love that my kids can know their great grandparents. They have 4 of them left. 2 are quite far away so they don't get to see them very often and 2 are here. We should see them more.


rachel white said...

WOW! That is such a treasure! And a beautiful photo.

Becky said...

One of the MANY things I miss most about Bartlesville is the fact that the boys had three great grandparents there! I miss the time we spent with them. My grandmother is out here, but in San Diego, so we still don't get to see her as often as we saw Brent's in Bartlesville. Rachel's right - it is such a treasure!

Dalene said...

Sweet! Family is truly a blessing.

Courtney said...

that is so awesome. i only have one grandma left and its been that way most of my makes me a bit sad to think i never got to know SO many family members...but that is awesome that your kids have that rare a blessing!

Aubrey said...

Your kids are so lucky to know their great-grandparents. All of mine have passed and they were only around while I was young. What a sweet picture of Forest with his great-grandpa.