Sunday, February 24, 2008

A Square Peg in a Round Hole?

I love having friends that I can discuss the "deeper things" in life with. Recently I had some conversations that got me thinking about some of these "deeper things". I used to do that often but my life has been consumed with school and various dance practices, soccer practices, cub scouts the point of not having time to slow down and reflect. My husband is constantly talking about the necessity of pulling away and letting God speak.
My guess is, He is constantly whispering in His still small voice, but I am rarely listening. I am lately being reminded of the importance of this in many different ways. When everything seems to be pointing to the "same truth" in life, do you think maybe God's trying to say something? In my case, He's saying "LISTEN!" It's easy to just think, well everyone else is doing such and such...It must be good. Hmmm...I know that is not how I should be making my decisions. BUT, when you're surrounded by good, Bible believing Christians... it seems easy enough... wouldn't God want us all to do the same thing??? Well, Yes, and No. There are certainly some absolute truths laid out in His word that apply to us all. No doubt. But, then there are the decisions in life that aren't spoken to specifically in His word. What do we do about those? Well, I know one absolute truth, "You can't fit a square peg in a round hole." "Is that in the Bible?" you say. No, but God created this universe and in it are some absolute truths that He didn't bother having people write into the Bible... like E=MC2 etc. Like, water can be in 3 forms, solid, liquid, and gas. See where I'm going? OK... so it follows that it IS absolute truth that You really can't fit a square peg in a round hole. You just can't.
That applies to life in many ways. In my case, What if I'm a square Christian standing around a bunch of round Christians? Do I jump in the same round hole that everyone else is jumping into? I could I guess, but then I would shave off my edges and become round... not the square that God made me to be.

So... I'm gonna hit my knees and find my square hole. Maybe I've found it... I just want to make sure I'm hearing right. Maybe I'm surrounded by a bunch of square Christians. I have a feeling I'm surrounded by some square, triangle, round and octagonal Christians. All called to serve the same God, in different ways. All I'm saying is, I need to take more time to listen to what He has for ME.(and my family) I'm sure it will be exciting to hear...


Becky said...

That is an excellent way to explain that. I have also had this conversation many times recently, and the thing I keep coming back to is that I am so glad that God places a different calling on all of us. If He didn't, there would be so much missing out there. I will not reach the same people you will or you the same people I will. Maybe a few would overlap, but not most! Thanks for the word picture!

rachel white said...

pastor jeff spoke about this very thing this morning. not only are we not listening to God...we are often searching for significance... purpose... justification... answers... from everyone other than God. not good.

i suppose when i hear/read the same message in one day, God is trying to tell ME something!! better get listening : )

Dalene said...

Well said! I totally agree.