Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A Post from Rachel

Hello everybody this is Rachel,
I really wanted to have a blog where I could go and type about my day so my mom said I could share hers.
I am eleven years old I have two brothers, one is eight and one is almost three months. I do dance at stage art productions and I am going to start soccer in the spring. I have a hairless cat and his name is Aslan, he thinks he's the center of attention.(: I am home schooled and every week the home school group gets together on a Thursday and does a school together with all the home schoolers, it's really fun. I also do piano lessons and I am in book two and I am learning left hand. I have ten webkinz and I have one build a bear.
I was also going to tell you if any of you all have build a bears you can play with them online! but if you don't have your birth certificate then you can still get on but you can do almost nothing. My friend told me that it's as good as webkinz! I got on and got my birth certificate out and apparently my birth certificate didn't have a code, if yours doesn't have a code you have to go to the build a bear workshop at the Tulsa Woodland Hills Mall and ask for a welcome pass. I would bring your build a bear. anyway I'll stop talking about build a bears.


Chandler Summers said...

Rachel you said that you have a brother that is 8 and an other at is 3, what about forest???

Miss you lots!

Christy said...

I would look at the post again slowly it said three months.

thanks for commenting please keep commenting.

Dalene said...

Rachel....PLEEEAAASSSEEEE don't tell my girl that you have TEN Webkinz!!!! WOW!!! Ha ha ha. I love hearing about your life! Keep us posted!

Chandler Summers said...

oops, got it!

Jeanette said...

Hey Rachel, it's nana! So glad to see you blogging. I just now figured out how to comment on your blogs so I haven't figured out how to create my own blog yet. I probably don't have time anyway. Tell your mom I totally understand about the fish oil. I think I've told her some of my experiences!!!