Friday, February 22, 2008

Fish Oil

OK, I know I have told almost everyone I know about the miracle that "fish oil" has been in my life.(really it's Omega 3) Well...guess what I did??? I missed taking it for 2 days. YIKES!!! I am telling you, it was like a scene from a horror movie. I just stopped talking and smiling and spent the whole time trying to keep the lump in my throat from jumping out and screaming at everyone. It wasn't the days I missed that were bad. It was the following days. I took my vitamins but my body had to get stabilized again I guess. Man, O Man, I won't do that again. I hope no one is walking around feeling like I felt. It was not pretty. Every single thing I thought about overwhelmed me. I just wanted to crawl in a hole and tell everyone to leave me alone.

Anyway, I'm back to normal now and feeling so much better. My poor family. I'm so sad I didn't find Omega 3's sooner in my life.

By the way, I'm about to get Rachel her own blog...she has taken over mine!!! (AND...they don't USUALLY get to play video games ALL day.) Just had to defend my parenting skills a little there. (:


Chandler Summers said...

hello, what is rachels blog??


Becky said...

When I read Rachel's last post, I laughed. First of all, I figured that was NOT true, but I also thought about how humbling parenting it. I knew you were probably not real excited that she said that!!! Don't worry - I know you are a great mom!

I am going to have to read up on Fish Oil.

Dalene said...

Ha Ha Ha..... oh them silly kiddo's!

I'm a fan of fish oil myself. Either that, or french fries ;o) Seriously, it is SO SO SO helpful!

Aubrey said...

I agree on the oils, Brian & I have taken flax oil and cod liver oil for a while now and we can tell the difference it makes. We both continue to read in health and fitness magazines that flax oil is the #1 most suggested supplement to take.