Thursday, February 21, 2008

Ice,Ice and more Ice

Today it's all slick and Ice is everywhere, on days like this we sit at home and play video games almost all day. I personally think it's kind of fun staying home rather than having to do school. Parker and I usually go outside and eat all the icicles off the table in the back yard. Sometimes if the ice is slick enough we get a lid from one of the boxes upstairs and go down the drive way, but today the ice in our backyard is all bumpy and weird looking. Forest is being a pill today and crying all the time, this morning we put on baby Einstein and he loves watching movies and especially that one, he also likes to watch praise baby, it's really fun to watch him smile at the t.v. When we watch movies on movie nights at home he also enjoys watching those. My dad is actually going to the office this morning and I wonder how the roads are. We canceled our Home school deal this morning so mom said I don't have to do school, THANK GOODNESS. although I LOVE going, I'm still enjoying my self.

Anyway I hope none of of you have to go anywhere.


Marci said...

Hope you had a good day today staying home. I didn't leave the house today either, but Jeff took the kids to the movies this evening.
Enjoy your Friday!