Monday, February 25, 2008

Gotta love Monday

OK, I have from 8:30-10:00 on Mondays to clean the kitchen after breakfast (if I managed to get breakfast by then) and jump through the shower before Forest is back up and ready to eat again. That really isn't long enough, but I can make it work, IF I don't have interruptions. LOL
Mommy: I'm heading to the shower right after I clean the kitchen so you guys get started on your schoolwork,OK?
Everyone: OK
I begin cleaning...
Rachel: Mommy, I need your help.
Mommy:OK (I head over to help with math)
Parker: Mommy, I need your help.
Mommy: OK (I head over to help with grammar)
Tim: Christy, can you come look at this real quick?
Mommy: OK (I head over to look at the computer)
I begin cleaning...
Rachel: Mommy, I need your help.
Mommy: OK (I head over to help with math, again)
Parker: Mommy, I need your help.
Mommy: OK (I head over to help with math)
Tim: Christy, can you come look at this?
Mommy: OK ( I head over to look at the computer)
REPEAT process 5 more times...

Later in the bathroom...

Mommy turns on starts crying. (:

((sigh)) I may not be appreciated... BUT, I AM NEEDED.



Marci said...

Sounds so very familiar!!! LOL At least you did school today- - -more than I can say for the Holley's.

Becky said...

It is nice to be needed!!! Tiring sometimes, but nice!

Dalene said...

Ha Ha Ha!!! Sounds like you're #1over there! I love it! Who needs to shower, anyway? I'm told that Americans are hyper-clean.

rachel white said...

i appreciate you!!! ALOT! you are a great friend, a wonderful example, and full of wisdom! don't know if i could have made it through those very early "new mommy" days without your advice...

it is nice to feel needed...but it's also nice to feel appreciated!! : )

khowze said...

Sounds very familiar to me too. "Mommy" is the most used word in my house. And, yes, it seems like the very minute I start something...everyone, including Mike needs something from me. But, like you and the other moms, I wouldn't want it any other way!

Courtney said...

agree with kara and all the other can't understand till you are one...

Aubrey said...

I look forward to the days that I hear Hudson say "mommy", but for now I know the feeling of being needed by both my son and my husband. I have had the days where I don't get a shower until later or sometimes not at all.

camryn said...

that is funny