Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Questions and Confessions

OK, once upon a time, in a land far, far away... (no really just down in Texas) a friend told me that I was GREAT at just "hanging out". (: Well, I know she meant it as a compliment but, I think I am just a little TOO good at it. Really people, no one needs the summer more than this poor teacher. I just love to veg. So... that is my confession. Here are some questions...

Does an incredibly BAD odor when you open the refrigerator door really mean that you HAVE to clean it??? I mean, it'll be there tomorrow, right? AND, isn't that the nature of throwing all of your food in one place?

Does 7 loads of laundry mean I should be doing it more often? UGH!

Just wondering. Flylady, where are you? (sigh)


Nise(Denise) said...

You are my hero...I am calling myself a slug and enjoying it. I think after we recover we will be better Mothers and teachers. Love you so!

Wendy Kough said...

I think what you described is everyone's normal life! Except for those with OCD! I just figure as long as my surfaces are healthy, I'm doing great. Then, every major hormone surge, I clean like a mad woman! Enjoy the summer! I'll think of all of you as we are floating in the pool!

Dalene said...

See..the thing is, we need Fly Lady to come to our house and just actually DO the housework, not tell us what to do! I don't get that plan at ALL.

I have often bemoaned my utter lack of OCD when it comes to my house. I agree, you're good at hanging out, and that's a compliment for sure!

Kipplyn said...

I think she got "swatted" :-) You ARE GREAT at hanging out! Let's do more of it!