Tuesday, May 6, 2008

One Year Bible Blog

Just do it!This weekend, my hubbie was at a meeting and the person speaking said something funny, "If you could buy a person in your college class to work with you the rest of your life, I guarantee you wouldn't buy the smartest guy, you'd buy the most effective guy." Hmmm. Strange thing to say...but probably true. I have found this to be true in home schooling. The coolest most amazing curriculum isn't effective if you don't do it. So, I always look for the one that I will ACTUALLY do! Now, along these lines, I have been trying to be true to being in the Word of God and devotional time since I was 12 people. I am ashamed to say, I think I get worse at it every year. (gasp) But, I have made a commitment recently and I think I found something that I will ACTUALLY do! (: (cheers and applause)
This one year bible blog is just great! This guys posts the reading every day with a link to where you can read it all on line... or listen. Then, he has great pictures or art and thoughts to ponder on from the reading. He also posts a link to great commentary. Then at the end, there is a verse to memorize and a video with music or something to inspire you to worship. I love it!!! It is just what I need to send me diving into the word. So far, it's working. Yep, I think I've picked the "most effective".


Dalene said...

I'm glad you found something that works for you! The picture on this post actually frightens me. Like...really. Please tell me that you didn't take it.

Courtney said...

yeah! good for you. i love it when i find something that works...and effective...that is always best :)