Monday, May 19, 2008

"Caffeine Free"

Well, I did the inevitable... I got rid of caffeine in my life. A person can only be sleep deprived for so long. Guess what??? That sweet little bundle slept all night long! Woo Hoo! I feel like a new person! Now, if only I could get rid of that nagging desire for a Dr.Pepper or some green tea, I'd be all good! O well. I guess it's no caffeine for me for at least another 6 months. Thank you all for caring. You were so encouraging to me. Love you for that!!


Aubrey said...

Hey Christy...did you know that you can get green tea that is decaf? I'm sure you were probably drinking it for the caffeine, huh? Hope you guys are doing well.

rachel white said...

i'm so happy for you! very smart of you to think about your milk! that, probably, wouldn't have crossed my mind. good job, mom!!

Courtney said...

wow! good for you

Christy said...

Hey Aubrey, I just found out about the decaf green tea a few days ago. But, yes, you are right, I WAS drinking it for the caffeine. However, I'll definitely be getting some of that. Maybe I can trick myself. ( :

Marci said...

That's great- - -I think!! I hope it helps Forest, but I know how hard it is on mommy! The things we do for our children- - -but it's all worth it.

Dalene said...

Ouch! No caffeine!!!

khowze said...

Did our conversation in Wal-Mart inspire you? I am glad he is sleeping better with no caffeine...sorry you have to endure the effects withdrawal! It gets fact yesterday I decided to throw all caution to the wind and get a large sonic diet coke, and it wasn't nearly as enjoyable as I remembered!