Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Too Long...

It has been far too long since I have posted. A lifetime has transpired in one short month. Literally. When I have the energy, I will write about it. In the mean time, I was just putting the sweet little baby boy down for a nap.

Snuggling him in my arms, kissing that cute little place between the nose and forehead, and smiling so happily at him. Then, I started thinking.

I never smiled this easily and readily at Rachel and Parker when they were babies. How sad. I was always so stressed. Stressed to get me time. Stressed to produce perfect children, Stressed just to be stressed. The ironic thing is, I have infinitely more weighty concerns NOW in my life, than I did then. Goodness, If only I had known. The hard things in life just strip all that pretense away and guess what is left? Just simple, happy, can't control the world or life, but trusting in God..me.

I like it.